Sakura Hime Kaden Wiki

Rurijo is one of Enju's followers. She was created out of branches and leaves. She is also a doll created on the image of Princess Sakura by Enju. Before she was created by Enju, she was merely just a stone that absorbs the lives of human beings and transformed to look like a Lapis Lazuli. After Enju created her, she was unable to move because she was still made out of wood, but she figured that she needed to absorb water once a day in order to be able to move around freely.


Rurijo has the same appearance as Princess Sakura, except that she has shorter hair than Sakura and pink hair. Rurijo also has a stone embedded on her forehead as to indicate that she has immortality and immense strength of a youko. She also has markings all over her body too. She needs the markings on her body in order to survive. She must not let these markings fade away otherwise the branches that connect her body will separate.



